Mimic Artists
Mime mimic artist hire
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Interesting facts on Mime mimic artist hire
A mime artist, or simply mime (from Greek μῖμος, mimos, “imitator, actor”),[1] is a person who uses mime (also called pantomime outside of Britain), the acting out of a story through body motions without the use of speech, as a theatrical medium or as a performance art. In earlier times, in English, such a performer would typically be referred to as a mummer. Miming is distinguished from silent comedy, in which the artist is a character in a film or skit without sound.
Jacques Copeau, strongly influenced by Commedia dell’arte and Japanese Noh theatre, used masks in the training of his actors. His pupil Étienne Decroux was highly influenced by this, started exploring and developing the possibilities of mime, and developed corporeal mime into a highly sculptural form, taking it outside the realms of naturalism. Jacques Lecoq contributed significantly to the development of mime and physical theatre with his training methods.[2] As a result of this, the practice of mime has been included in the Inventory of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in France since 2017.[3]
History Mime mimic artist hire
Think Outside of the Box here. A mime is a performer who uses exaggerated facial expressions and body movements, instead of words to communicate with the audience.
Ancient Greece and Rome
The performance of mime originates at its earliest in Ancient Greece; the name is taken from a single masked dancer called Pantomimus, although performances were not necessarily silent. The first recorded mime was Telestēs in the play Seven Against Thebes by Aeschylus. Tragic mime was developed by Puladēs of Kilikia; comic mime was developed by Bathullos of Alexandria.[4] Mime (mimius) was an aspect of Roman theatre from its earliest times,[5] paralleling the Atellan farce in its improvisation (if without the latter’s stock characters).[6] It gradually began to replace the Atellanae as interludes [embolium] or postscripts [exodium] on the main theatre stages;[7] became the sole dramatic event at the Floralia in the second century BC; and in the following century received technical advances at the hands of Publius Syrus and Decimus Laberius.[6] Under the Empire mime became the predominant Roman drama,[6] if with mixed fortunes under different emperors. Trajan banished mime artists; Caligula favored them; Marcus Aurelius made them priests of Apollo. Nero himself acted as a mime.[8] The mime was distinguished from other dramas by its absence of masks, and by the presence of female as well as male performers.[9] Stock characters included the lead (or archymimus[a]), the stooge or stupidus,[6] and the gigolo, or cultus adulter.[10]